Tool dedicated to isohacking for Xenosaga on Playstation 2
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
890 B

using System.Text;
using Hack.Tools.TraceLog;
namespace Hack.Xenosaga.Common
public class Variables
public struct stArgs
public string option;
public string filename;
public Encoding encode;
public bool regroup;
public static TraceLog traceLog;
public const string dirUnpack = "01-UNPACK/";
public const string dirExtract = "02-EXTRACT/";
public const string dirInsert = "03-INSERT/";
public const string dirPack = "04-PACK/";
public const string dirFinal = "05-FINAL/";
public const string tblCard = "TABLES/card_ANSI.tbl";
public const string tblEvtBox = "TABLES/evt_box_ANSI.tbl";
public const string tblEvtVideo = "TABLES/evt_video_ANSI.tbl";
public const string tblEvtItem = "TABLES/evtitem_ANSI.tbl";